Dr Tanveer Ahmed – Men forgotten in violence debate

… will limit its effectiveness in stemming the problem in an inclusive way. Tanveer Ahmed is a psychiatrist and White Ribbon Day ambassador.Some, like that presented by Tanveer Ahmed in the Australian this week, come with a veneer of reason that belies the falsehoods presented…
Not all arguments positing mens disenfranchisement are presented in the aggressively delusional manner of those men who proudly count themselves as MRAs, or mens rights activists. Some, like that presented by Tanveer Ahmed in the Australian this week, come with a veneer of reason that belies the falsehoods presented within. These are the ones we need to be especially wary of.
Writing on the issue of mens violence against women (although notably shying away from the specificity of that term), Ahmed launches a frankly dangerous argument regarding causal links between violence against women and mens social and cultural disempowerment. Ahmed, a psychiatrist who was once exposed on Media Watch for repeated offences of plagiarism, warns against focusing on the impact of gender inequality on women alone, referring to the disempowerment and displacement of men whose industries are giving way to casualised, service-oriented work with relatively low wages.
According to Ahmed, the feminisation of men previously used to the security of unionised labour is a delicate issue that needs to be taken into account when addressing violence against women. Further, family violence within newly arrived ethnic groups is often related to the sudden dilution of traditional masculinity, leaving men lost and isolated, particularly as females enjoy greater autonomy and expectations.
Some responses to Dr Ahmed stepping down were found in different quarters:Dear Dr. Ahmed,. I just read about your being forced to step down from your position as an ambassador for the White Ribbon Australia Campaign. Pardon my being familiar, but I think we both know that you were pushed out of…
I just read about your being forced to step down from your position as an ambassador for the White Ribbon Australia Campaign. Pardon my being familiar, but I think we both know that you were pushed out of a feminist organization because you expressed concern for male victims of domestic violence; because male victims and female perpetrators are DOA issues for White Ribbon Australia because there is no money it it. That corruption is currently in full public view with you at the center of the story.
I want to make some respectful suggestions, as I live with the hope that your actions were not a one-off and that you want to have a positive impact of the domestic violence issue.
There is a growing voice for sanity and science to return to the study of intimate partner violence. You are most certainly aware of how much work there is be done for that to happen. Sir, your voice is needed on this in ways that far outweigh the current hoopla. You are just being ostracized by a cabal of financially driven ideologues whose main line of work is to raise money for themselves. I am guessing at this point you know the truth of that.very well. Just as you know that the people who just threw you under the bus see you as a threat to their deceptive enterprise.
WhiteRibbon.org, not in any way affiliated with White Ribbon Australia, is run by Erin Pizzey, the founder of the womens shelter movement in 1971. You will find great research and opinion pieces there, including now, proudly, yours. And your work there finds a perfect home. WhiteRibbon.org features the cream of the crop of the many world renowned non-ideological researchers who provide accurate, helpful data on the subject.
More can be found at Dr Tanveer Ahmed‘s website
or you can waatch an interview here: